Yoga modifications for pregnancy: low lunge

low lunge

Yoga modifications for pregnancy: low lunge

Pregnancy is a time of incredible transformation, both physically and emotionally. Maintaining a regular yoga practice can help you stay active, promote flexibility, and nurture a sense of well-being. Low Lunge Pose, is a powerful posture that stretches the hips and thighs. In this blog post, we will explore modifications that make Low Lunge Pose more comfortable during pregnancy.

How to modify low lunge during pregnancy

Widen your stance:

To accommodate your growing belly and provide more stability, start by taking a wider stance in your Low Lunge. Step one foot forward, aligning the knee over the ankle, and allow the other knee to rest on the ground or a folded blanket for added support. This modification creates more space for the belly and reduces strain on the pelvic region.

Use props for balance and support:

Maintaining balance and stability is important as your body changes throughout pregnancy. Use props like blocks to help create more space for baby. Place the blocks on either side of the front foot and rest your hands or forearms on them, allowing for a more comfortable and controlled posture.

Practicing yoga during pregnancy can be very empowering. With these modifications, you can find balance, comfort, and a deeper connection to your body throughout your prenatal yoga journey. Embrace the changes, embrace the pose, and embrace the beautiful journey of pregnancy.

Let’s practice: low lunge modifications for pregnancy

Anna Rillahan