Yoga modifications for pregnancy: cat & cow poses

yoga modification cow pose

Yoga modifications for pregnancy: Cat & Cow pose

The gentle stretches and movements in prenatal yoga help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts such as back pain and swollen ankles, while also promoting better circulation and reducing stress levels. In this blog post, we will explore modifications to two foundational yoga poses, Cat and Cow, to ensure a safe and enjoyable practice during your pregnancy.

How to modify Cat Pose during pregnancy

Cat Pose is a gentle stretch that keeps your spine flexible throughout your pregnancy. You can modify the pose to make space for your growing belly and minimize strain on your back.

Widen the knees: Start by positioning yourself on all fours, aligning your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. To create more space for your belly, gently widen your knees, allowing for a comfortable distance between them.

Engage the pelvic floor: To maintain stability, engage your pelvic floor muscles and lift up while moving into Cat Pose. This can help alleviate any pressure on the lower back and promote proper alignment.

How to modify Cow Pose during pregnancy

Cow Pose is an excellent way to stretch the front body, open the chest, and release tension in the back.

Modify the arch: Instead of deeply arching the back, which can create discomfort during pregnancy, focus on a more gentle and subtle movement. Gradually lift your chest and extend your spine while hugging baby in and avoiding any compression in the lower back.

Supportive props: Placing a bolster or a folded blanket under your hands can provide extra support for the wrists. You can also try a folded blanket under the knees for more comfort. Experiment with different props until you find the right height and position that works for you.

Pregnancy is a beautiful time to connect with your body, cultivate mindfulness, and nurture your overall well-being. By modifying yoga poses like Cat and Cow, you can continue to enjoy your practice throughout your journey. Remember to listen to your body and honor its limits during this time.

Let’s practice: cat/cow modifications for pregnancy

Anna Rillahan